Activities(2023-24) AllGallery Item Panchayati Raj Earth Day Earth Day Labour Day Sandwich Making Activity Plantation Activity Awareness Rally Drug Abuse Drug Abuse1 Importance Millets Millets 1 Plastic Management Plastic Management 1 Investiture Ceremony 1 Investiture Ceremony 2 Investiture Ceremony 3 Cyber Security Cyber Security Workshop Inaugration of ABSS MMMD1 MMMD2 HINDI PAKHWADA HINDI BHASHA NUKKAD NATAK ONE CHILD ONE PLANT FIRE DRILL CYBER SECURITY IAF HERITAGE MUSEUM IISER TOURISM BOOK FAIR SWACHC BHARAT Mock Drills Air Force Day Managing Mind and Body Healthy Food Bhartiya Bhasha Special Performance Prize SWACHCHTA HI SEVA FIRE DRILL RUN FR UNITY CARTOON MAKING ACTIVITY GROUP SONG GROUP DANCE VARIOUS PERFORMANCES ENGLISH DECLAMATION AND HINDI KAVITA PRIZE1 Children's Day 1 Children's Day 2 Children's Day 3 Children's Day 4 Children's Day 5 Children's Day 6